There are a range of personalised, high quality products & services to suit everyone...

Other Writing Services

All other services (i.e. updating resumes or creating/editing intranet sites, website content, professional biographies, member/employee communications, corporate documents etc.) will be charged at an agreed hourly rate.

Selection Criteria

SCs are written using the CAR/STAR approach to clearly demonstrate the required skills, experience, behaviours and key words mentioned in the job description (with each response approximately 1/2 page).

1 to 3 SCs              $90 each

4 to 6 SCs              $80 each

more than 7 SCs              $70 each


Designed to suit students who have probably had some experience in the workforce, such as practical placements or part-time roles.​

​​Resume                          $250

Cover letter                     $100

LinkedIn profile               $300


All 3 services           $600

                         (save $50)


Perfect for people who are at the start of their career, perhaps with some experience leading small teams and/or managing staff.

Resume                    $395

Cover letter               $150

LinkedIn profile         $350


All 3 services      $795

                  (save $100)


Ideal if you're an experienced team leader, business owner or C-suite executive who is eager to pursue new career goals.


​​Resume                       $495

Cover letter                  $195

LinkedIn profile            $450


All 3 services         $990

                      (save $150)